The Hoisington Jets 4-H Club met Sept. 27th. The club had a potluck dinner before the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Vice-president Drew Reisner. Roni and Kayleigh led us in the song “A Bear Went Over the Mountain”. Roll call was taken by secretary, Tiffany Schneider, answering to the question “What was your favorite food?” There were 15 members, two leaders, six parents and one guest in attendance. Desmond Noah gave the treasurer report. He reported that two deposits had been made. A bill was submitted for float and club supplies. It was paid. Kayleigh reported the club report had been submitted to the newspaper and printed on Sept. 12th. Old business was a report on the Labor Day float. We received 1st place in the 4-H division. Members competing at the State Fair gave their results to the club. We had nine members that competed in at least one area. A “thank you” to Kathy Hitschman was also written for use of the storage unit for the float. New business involved a nominee for Friend of 4-H. The club chose someone and the leaders will take care of the nomination letter this time. The club chose to wear 4-H t-shirts for 4-H week to school and bring to 4-H items to the library for display. Kirk moved to clean-up the football stadium after homecoming for one of our community service projects. Roni seconded. It was also decided to donate to the angel tree and ring the bell for the Salvation Army again this year. There was no other new business. The educational part of the meeting was the installation of officers. Our officers for the 2010-2011 year are as follows: President–Drew Reisner; Vice-President–Seth Tesch; Secretary–Tiffany Schneider; Treasurer–Desmond Noah; Reporter–Kirk Reisner; Photographer–Kayla Reisner; Historian–Kayleigh Bitter; Parliamentarian–Sam McGinnis; Council Representatives–Drew Reisner and Desmond Noah; Alternates–Kayla Reisner and Seth Tesch; Song Leaders–Roni Reames and Brandy Bodine; and Recreation Leaders–Brinttain Noah and Matthew Mayers. The meeting was closed with the circle. The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Oct. 25 at the high school.
Hoisington Jets 4-H