The 79 Lions Clubs of Western Kansas District 17-K will hold their annual District Convention on Saturday, March 18, at Memorial Union on the FHSU Campus. International guests will be Melvin and Virginia Bray of New Jersey.
The Hays Lions are hosting the Convention, led by PCC Les Herrman. District Governor Kerry Hookstra of Downs Lions Club will be directing Convention Activities.
Kansas Lions District 17-K comprises all of Western Kansas from the Colorado border, reaching as far east as Anthony, Hutchinson and Beloit. The 79 local Lions Clubs in the district comprise nearly 1600+ Lion members, all dedicated to hometown community service.
The International Association of Lions Club is the largest service organization in the world, reaching into 206 countries, with 46,000+ clubs, and 1.4 million members.
Since Helen Keller challenged the Lions in 1925 to be her “Knight of the Blind” champions, the number one area of service has been eradicating preventable blindness throughout the world.
Lions pride to FHSU