Fifteen members of the Great Bend Garden Club enjoyed Pat Halbower’s delightfully humorous personal account of the evolution of the forest of various trees, the ever changing flower beds and lawn, and the feeding of creatures, both winged and four legged, both wanted and unwanted, that have been the experience of the Halbowers over the past 40-plus years as they have worked in and enjoyed the outdoor spaces of their home. Arrangements for the program at the September Garden Club meeting were made by Delores Grose.
The business meeting of the Garden Club was conducted by President Nancy Swafford. One new member, Sherry Brent, was introduced and welcomed.
Dues of $15 were collected and the new yearbook created by Teresa Bachand was distributed.
Fern Thompkins, treasurer, reported a checking balance of $1,156.47 and a checking balance of $1,533.15.
The installation of a new bench in memory of past member Teddi Maneth has been completed and is a beautiful addition to the Memorial Rose Garden in the Great Bend Cemetery. Arrangement for this memorial were made by Mary Kummer and Jeannine Girton.
Rose garden chairman, Alica Young, reported the three new roses planted in the spring are doing well and the rose garden is looking good. Appreciation was expressed for the summer watering and the work the members did during the summer work days. Alice also expressed appreciation to the cemetery board for their generous contribution of the new watering drip system and the mulch for the roses. A break in the watering hose was promptly fixed by the cemetery staff.
Alice Young, Compliance Officer for the Garden Club, also reported that the required e-postcard was sent to the IRS and the club is in compliance for another year. Businesses or individuals who make contributions to the Garden Club may claim their contributions as a tax deduction.
Delicious fruit pizza was served by hostess, Mary Kummer. The next Garden Club meeting will be held on October 17 at 10 a.m. in the Barton County Extension Meeting Room. The program will be given by Nancy Swafford and the hostess will be Kay Hallenbeck.
Pat Halbower's program a treat for Great Bend Garden Club