The Progress Club met on March 3, at the home of Karen Becker with Janet Engelman and Pat Halbower as co-hostesses. Fourteen members attended. Judy Fox presided in the absence of Norma Ward and opened the meeting with the Lord’s prayer. Roll call was followed by the reading and approval of the previous month’s minutes. Treasurer’s report was given by Darlene Mathers. There was no correspondence or any committee reports. In new business, the topic of officers for the coming year was discussed. Judy Fox will advance to President, Pat Klusener will remain secretary, and Darlene Mathers will remain as treasurer. Sharon Mauler was nominated as Vice President and accepted the nomination. Motion was made and carried to accept the slate of officers for the 2014-2015 club year.
Sharon Jones gave a program on the Victorian Era, spanning the years of 1837-1900’s. It lasted during the reign of Queen Victoria who took the throne at the age of 18. It was a time of extreme wealth for a few and distressing poverty for many. Members were invited to bring articles from the era for discussion.
The next meeting will be at 1:15 p.m. on April 7, at the home of Sharon Mauler with Rosemary Herrman and Donna Oliver as co-hostesses.
Progress Club