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Progress Club learns about Xeriscaping
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The Progress Club met at 1:15 p.m. on March 7, at the home of Linda Dougherty. Co-hostesses were Kathy Schugart and Donna Oliver. Attending were 16 members and one guest, Alicia Boor.
Pat Klusener introduced the guest speaker, Alicia Boor, Agricultural and Natural Resources Agent for the Barton County Extension Service. She explained that Kansas is 12 to 20 inches below average in annual rainfall. Watering outside is no longer allowed in Hays, and that could happen in our area. Xeriscaping is a method of coping with drought by watering only when each plant actually needs it.
There are seven steps in xeriscaping: Planning and Designing; Soil Preparation (check nutrient levels in soil and correct, if necessary); Irrigation - reduced watering (water deeply, then wait possibly a week before watering deeply again. Water trees every 3 weeks. Plants and trees will develop root systems that are deeper and can survive better); Mulching (use organic material, not rocks - they get too hot); Plant Zones (use plants designated as Prairie Star and Prairie Bloom that are best adapted to our area); Turf (a new idea is to paint grass to seal it); and Maintenance.
Judy Fox called the business meeting to order in the absence of president Sharon Mauler. Pat Halbower stated that the May meeting is scheduled at the West Fire Station and we will meet for lunch first.
Courtesy cards will be sent to Sharon Mauler, Ruth Lowry and Donna Oliver. Pat Klusener and Linda Dougherty were appointed to serve on the nominating committee. Judy Fox moved that the club contribute to the Prairie Godmothers for our annual project this year. A $100 donation will be sent to the Golden Belt Foundation, earmarked for the Prairie Godmothers’Fund.
The next meeting is April 4, at the home of Sharon Jones. Co-hostesses are Maxie Hinkson and Jackie Curtis. Pat Halbower will present the program, “The Story of Language.”