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Progress Club meeting
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Progress Club met on April 6, at home Karen Becker with Janet Engleman and Pat Klusener as co-hostesses. Seventeen members attended. The program was given by Jan Peters, CEO of the Great Bend Chamber of Commerce. Jan grew up in Colby and graduated from Great Bend High School. She spoke about economic development in Great Bend and efforts which have resulted in new businesses here: Central National Bank, Plains State Bank, Almost Home, Seaport Airlines and others. She also noted the efforts of many past and present Great Bend residents who have made a positive difference in our economic community.
The meeting followed and was opened with a prayer. Kathy Schugart reported on the slate of officers as follows: President, Sharon Mauler; Vice President, Karen Becker; Secretary, Norma Ward; and Treasurer, Darlene Mathers. The slate was voted on and approved. Under new business, Maxie Hinkson asked for discussion on a choice for the end of year donation. It was moved and carried to donate to the new Tot Spot to be constructed soon at Brit Spaugh Park. Ruth Lowry suggested a tour of the Fire Station on west 10th as a possible program.  
Next meeting will be at Flavorful Creations on May 4, at 11:30 with Pat Halbower as hostess.