Morrison McFadden VFW Post 3111 and its Ladies Auxiliary will host the 91st Dept. of Kansas VFW Convention
and the 84th convention of the Ladies Auxiliary June 3-5 in Great Bend.
J.T. Plummer, Department Commander from Logan, And Darlene Orender Department President from Overland Park, will preside over meetings to be held at the Highland Hotel and Convention Center.
Representative of the National VFW Organization will be Past Commander-in-Chief Edward S. Banas Jr. from
Jewitt City, Conn. He served as National Commander in 2003-2004.
Roberta Perue, Topeka, is serving a 2-year term on the Ladies Auxiliary National Council of Administration, where she represents the states of Colorado and Kansas, and will be in Great Bend representing the National Ladies Auxiliary.
Activities, in addition to the business sessions, include a roast pig feed and dance at the local VFW Post on Friday evening, banquet at Highland Convention Center and a dance at the Post Home on Saturday evening.
A joint Memorial Service will be held at the Convention Center Sunday morning, followed by election and installation of officers for the commg year.
Veterans of Foreign Wars and Ladies Auxiliary Department Convention