Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3111 and its Ladies Auxiliary met on Oct. 26 at the Post Home.
The following donations were made: Health and Happiness-25 cents per member; the “Growing Dollar Fund”-$50; Great Bend Fire Department-$100 for material; the Margaret A. Armstrong Guest Lodge and Memorial Chapel at the VFW National Home for Children-$100 for renovations. The Auxiliary will sponsor a youth bowling team at the Walnut Bowl.
Americanism chairperson Thelma Hipp reminded the members to contact other members and citizens to “Get Out and Vote” on Nov. 2, Election Day. Know your candidates, volunteer to provided rides and take someone with you to the polls. Your vote is your voice in the affairs that effect your community.
The Auxiliary will furnish cookies for the Hunter Safety Course at the Great Bend Recreation Center on Dec. 4.
Poppy chairperson, Pearl White, announced “Buddy” Poppy Days would be held Nov. 6 through Nov. 13.
Remember to display your flag on Nov. 2, Election Day, Nov. 11, Veterans Day and Nov. 25, Thanksgiving Day.
The next meeting will be held on Nov. 30 at the Post Home.
Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary meeting