Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3111 and its Ladies Auxiliary met on April 26 at the Post Home.
Betty Peters was accepted into membership.
The Auxiliary donated $25 to the Endowment fund.
Flowers will be taken to the following nursing homes for Mother’s Day on May 8: Cherry Village, Great Bend Health and Rehabilitation Center, River Bend Assisted Living and Sterling House.
Seventh District VFW Post and Auxiliary Convention was held in Lyons on April 17, hosted by Lyons Post #3184 and its Ladies Auxiliary.
Auxiliary #3111 received the following certificates of Recognition from District #7 for the year 2010-2011: first place in Americanism-Thelma Hipp Americanism Chairperson, who also received a person gift; first place in Hospital-Kay Jounson and Lois Marshall, chairpersons; second place in Legislative-Pat Teel, chairperson, who also received a personal gift; third place-Voice of Democarcy-chairperson Rose Hammerschmidt; and fifth place-Community Service-chariperson Melissa Kultgen.
The State VFW Post and Auxiliary convention will be held on June 3-5 in Great Bend.
The next meeting will be on May 24 with Joint Memorial Service for the deceased Post and Auxiliary members at 7 p.m. with meetings to follow at the Post Home. Installation of 2011-2012 officers will be held.
VFW Ladies Auxiliary meeting