Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3111 and its Ladies Auxiliary met on Nov. 22 at the Post Home.
Pearl White, Poppy Chairwoman, gave a report on the Buddy Poppy Days Sale on Nov. 5 through Nov. 12. Proclamation for Buddy Poppy Days was signed by Mayor Allison.
The following donations were given, Hospital Fund-$100 to each of the following: VA Hospitals, Leavenworth, Topeka, Wichita, Winfield and Fort Dodge Soldiers Home; Health and Happiness-$25 per member; Growing Dollar-$50; Unmet Needs-$100; and Military Assistance Program-$100.
The Auxiliary will sponsor a youth bowling team at the Walnut Bowl.
The Auxiliary will be giving Christmas ornaments for the doors of veterans who are in the nursing homes in Great Bend.
The VFW Midwinter Conference will be held in Topeka on Jan. 13-15.
The next meeting will be held on Dec. 27 at the Post Home.
VFW Post 311 and Ladies Auxiliary meet