Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3111 and it’s Ladies Auxiliary met on May 28 at the Post Home.
Prior to the meeting a joint memorial service was held in memory of the deceased members in the year 2013-2013.
The Auxiliary donated $180 to Quilts of Valor.
The 7th District President, Diane Hill, of Ellinwood Auxiliary 5657, was the installing officer for the following Auxiliary members for the year 2013-2014: President-Pearl White; Senior Vice-President-Lois Marshall; Junior Vice-President-Linda Brungardt; Treasurer-Marge Bieberle; Secretary-Connie Ashley; Chaplain and Patriotic Instructor-Thelma Hipp; Guard and One Year Trustee-Opal Jones, Margaret Kearns; Two Year Trustee and Three Year Trustee-Linda Brungardt.
Thelma Hipp, Americanism Chairperson received from the 7th District Auxiliary a Certificate of Appreciation for completing both semi-annual reports on Americanism for the year 2012-2013.
The next meeting will be held on June 25 at the Post Home.
VFW Post 311 and Ladies Auxiliary meeting