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Xeriscaping encouraged at Garden Club meeting
loc slt garden club
Alicia Boor, from the Barton County Extension Service, explains the importance and methodology of Xeriscaping at a Great Bend Garden Club meeting. Xeriscaping is a way to create floral landscapes which require very little water to produce blooms which are both beautiful and hardy during the current, and likely future, Kansas drought. - photo by COURTESY PHOTO
At a recent Great Bend Garden Club meeting, Alicia Boor, the agriculture and natural resources agent for the Barton County Extension Service, presented an informative program entitled “Gardens for our Varying Climate.” Armed with data from Kansas State University’s Agricultural Research and Extension Services, Boor first described the serious lack of water facing many parts of the state and what is currently being done to help prevent the very probable water crisis that faces the whole state in the future. Although watering of gardens is only a small segment of the increasing water problem, Boor brought a wealth of information and suggestions on how individuals who enjoy the luxury of flower gardening and maintaining trees, shrubs, and green lawns can plan and design a more ecologically sound outdoor landscape.