Golden Belt residents have many opportunities to show they care about their communities and people in need. Earlier this month, Dropping 22 became the 2024 2nd-quarter recipient of the donations of the 100+ People That Care of Barton County group. Created and named based on the staggering statistic that 22 veterans take their own lives each day, the organization is working to combat the trauma, depression, PTSD and anxiety faced not only by veterans, but the military community and first responders, in hopes of lowering that number as close to zero. They are working to close the mental health service gap for these individuals through counseling, trainings and resources, weekly support groups for couples, yoga training, family gatherings, children’s “night out,” and monthly meals.
With the $10,000 in donations from the 100+ People That Care of Barton County Group, Dropping 22 will be able to continue their monthly meals and purchase funds for activities for their popular children’s “night out.”
To learn more about Dropping 22, contact staff at 620-786-0687, visit their website at and be sure to like the organization’s Facebook page.
The next giving meeting for the 100+ People Who Care group will be held on Tuesday, August 13, at 5:30 p.m., at the Best Western Angus Inn Courtyard. At that time, representatives from Dropping 22 will return to provide an update on how they have been utilizing their donation. Members will also vote to select and nominate local, charitable organizations to receive future funds. More details can be found on the group’s website,, or on their Facebook page.