Without a doubt, Halloween will be different this year. Families may have the opportunity to participate in drive-by events and some families may choose to stick close to home. Either way it is possible to have a healthy Halloween and it could include making some fun, healthy snacks at home.
My kids loved to make apple smiles and banana ghosts. The apple slices can be dipped in lemon juice so they do not turn brown as quickly, then peanut butter or your child’s favorite nut butter is added between two apple slices and the teeth can be yogurt covered berries or nuts. Peeled clementine oranges with a sprig of celery for the stem also make a fun healthy snack.
For a program last year, I made a skeleton out of my favorite vegetables and it really looked just like the picture I fashioned it from! Fresh Veggie Pizza can be decorated to look like candy corn with chopped carrots, yellow peppers and cauliflower. If children are going out for the evening fill them up with a healthy meal before the fun begins. And on the return home, make a plan for how the stash will be divided up so only a small portion will be available each day.
If you are handing out treats to children, consider some alternative Halloween treats. We had one creative neighbor who always had a surprise for us and it was never candy. My kids could not wait to see what the surprise was each year. Small toys, bouncy balls, glider airplanes to put together and many other items can be just as exciting for kids as a candy bar.
Never fear, there will be Halloween in some shape or form. Parents may have to work extra hard this year to create a fun atmosphere with fun food and games. Make it a year to remember and have a spooky good time!
Berny Unruh is the Family and Community Wellness Agent for the Cottonwood Extension District. She can be reached at 785-628-9430 or at bunruh@ksu.edu.