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Food Safety Training for employees is August 17
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Five main reasons people become ill from eating some foods include:
• Cleaning and sanitizing
• Cross-contamination
• Time/temperature control
• Personal hygiene
• Allergens
I would say that each of these categories is equally important to daily food service workers as well as daily consumers and volunteers. As I look through the training materials to prepare to teach an upcoming class for food handlers there are some updated statistics to pass along. The danger zone temperatures have changed slightly; food that is held for two hours between the temperatures of 41 degrees F and 135 degrees F are considered unsafe. Bacteria multiply rapidly at these temperatures, and this bacteria can cause a food-borne illness.
Everyone reading this has probably had at least one episode of a food-borne illness. With symptoms mimicking the flu, cases often go unreported. Learning proper food handling procedures goes a long way to reduce the chances of contracting a food-borne illness in the future.
If you would like to participate in a ServSafe workshop for food handlers mark your calendar for Wednesday, Aug. 17th. The class will be held from 1:30 – 4 p.m. at our Extension Office Meeting Room, 1800 12th Street. There is a $10 registration fee for the class that should be turned in at our office by Wednesday, Aug. 10th. Class size is limited. All registered participants will receive a ServSafe Food Handler Guide Book and certificate upon completion of the class.
Feel free to give me a call if you have a question about or would like to sign up for the workshop.
Donna Krug is the Family & Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research and Extension – Barton County. You may reach her at (620)793-1910 or