During the September meeting of the Great Bend Garden Club, 13 members enjoyed a program by member Alice Young who shared stories and photos of some of the flowers and herbs which are mentioned in the Bible. Her source of information was a quilting book entitled, “Flowers of the Bible” by Helga Curtis.
Some of the flowers were ancient plants whose seeds, roots, and/or flowers were used for medicinal purposes such as what is now known as the Christ thorn (used to make the crown of thorns) as its crushed bark was used for toothaches and tumors. Another herb still used today was coriander (cilantro) which was found in ancient tombs. Its natural gum or resin was used for medicinal and culinary purposes as well as an aphrodisiac. The fragrant Mandrake plant with its interesting man-shaped root was also used as a fertility potion and as a charm against evil. The mandrake plant was mentioned growing in the romantic setting of the Song of Solomon. Another flower was the rock rose tree more commonly known as myrrh which appears several times in the Bible. It’s natural gum or resin was medicinal and was considered valuable becoming one the gifts of the Three Wise Men. Another of the Wise Men’s gifts was frankincense which grows in the cracks of rocks and its resin was used in valuable perfumes and is still used in incense burners today. Lentils are one of the oldest plants in the world, first known in 1100 BCE and were used in soups and bread in the Bible as they are still used today. Flax was grown in Biblical times and used as linen for clothing as it is today. Most common and still used today were the grapes and vineyards which appear throughout the Bible. Alice illustrated her information with photos of each of the flowers/plants she chose to describe.
During the business meeting, conducted by President Nancy Williams, roll was taken and the minutes were read by secretary, Carol Woodmansee. A treasurer’s report was given by Pam Sweeney. Dues were taken and the new program books prepared by Teresa Bachand were distributed. Bills presented were approved. Alice Young reported that the club’s annual tax status report has been sent to the IRS by Barry Bowers and a thank you note was sent to him.
As Rose Garden chairman, Alice Young reported on the work of Tammi Wagner and the cemetery employees who together kept the Rose Garden in good condition during the summer. A volunteer sheet was circulated to provide cookies monthly to the cemetery staff in appreciation for the work they do for us.
The next Garden Club meeting will be at 10 a.m. on Oct. 18, in the Cottonwood Extension Service meeting room with Becky Dudrey giving the program and Darlene Boley as hostess. Anyone interested in flowers or gardening is invited to attend.