The heartwarming tales of Christmas find a new voice in the works of local businesswoman and now author Tammy Hammond. Her latest release, “The History of Santa Claus,” and its enchanting sequel, “Santas Around the World,” are now available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kindle.
“The History of Santa Claus” delves into the rich legacy of the beloved figure, unraveling tales that resonate with the magic of the holiday season. Building on this success, “Santas Around the World” takes readers on a global journey, celebrating the diverse traditions that make Christmas special across cultures.
Community Coordinator Christina Hayes issued a news release about the books, stating Great Bend takes immense pride in Hammond’s literary achievements, hailing her as a cherished contributor to the Christmas spirit.
“Both books serve as a poignant tribute to our Christmas city, capturing the essence of the festive season. This is a wonderful extension of Great Bend’s beloved Santas Around the World Display, Dolly Trolley and Trail of Lights! These heartwarming tales are a must-read for anyone who cherishes the magic of Christmas. Embrace the holiday spirit and order your copies today.”
“The History of Santa Claus” and “Santas Around the World” are available for purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Kindle.