The sister-in-law of Garden Club member Teresa Bachand, Doris Thompson, who is the head librarian at the Ida Long Goodman Public Library in St. John, and her mother, Lora David, entertained 10 members of Great Bend Garden Club during their March meeting. Using a power-point presentation, they unfolded a complete circular visual tour of Irish cities with their cathedrals in which they worshipped, the many quaint countryside villages which they explored, and the picturesque Irish coastland.
They traveled by train, boat and car. Their tour was planned and guided by Doris’s sister who also accompanied them. Their humorous dialog included descriptions of the ancient castles they visited, the storied Irish pubs, the ocean cliffs and views, and their kissing of the Blarney Stone at Blarney Castle which turned into an exhilarating and frightening adventure. Most interesting to the Garden Club members were the beautiful flower gardens adorning the castle grounds, displayed inside the cafes, and growing along the roadsides and hillsides. The cool, wet Irish weather is ideal for growing large beautiful blossoms in abundance. Their visit during the month of June, although still a bit chilly, enabled them to photograph many beautiful specimens of flowers and views of meadows.
A short business meeting was followed by refreshments served by Fern Tompkins and Teresa Bachand.
The next Garden Club meeting will be on April 15 with Nancy Williams giving the program and Carol Woodmansee serving as hostess. Visitors are always welcome.