Saturday, Oct. 28
GBHS Volleyball - State
GBHS Debate at Newton
GBHS Treats at the Track
GBHS Cross Country State at Rim Rock
GBMS Football Tri; 7th and 8th grade A and B teams
Monday, Oct. 30
GBHS Boys soccer quarterfinals
Tuesday, Oct. 31
GBHS Ninth-grade dental screenings
Wednesday, Nov. 1
GBHS Boys soccer semis.
Thursday, Nov. 2
GBMS A and B team football at Garden City
GBMS Boys wrestling at Scott City
Friday, Nov. 3
GBHS ACT registration deadline for Dec. 9 test
GBHS Football Regionals
Saturday, Nov. 4
GBHS Fall Play tech week
GBHS Boys soccer State
GBHS Debate at Salina Central
GBHS District 5 Honor Choir tryouts
GBMS Boys wrestling at Manhattan