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It's time to sign up for Walk Kansas
Donna Krug

Hopefully winter will be coming to an end soon and you’ll be more than ready to get out and go for a walk. The 2019 version of Walk Kansas is set to begin March 17 and runs through May 11. There is still time to register at either of the Extension Offices in the Cottonwood District. 

Walk KS is a signature program for K-State Research and Extension and many people across the state have participated every year since 2000. A team of six members track the minutes that they exercise each day and together this adds up to the distance across the state of Kansas. Any type of exercise counts, so if you prefer to swim, bicycle or spend time in the garden, it is all good. Any activity that increases your heart rate and gets you moving is good to incorporate into your routine. Many times Walk Ks teams are comprised of friends, co-workers or family members. 

There is a registration fee of $8 for each Walk Kansas participant and an optional T-shirt may be ordered for $10. A weekly online newsletter is available to all who register. 

Barton County Walk Kansas participants will be treated to a free lunch to celebrate the end of the Walk  Kansas program on Wednesday, May 15. Door prizes will be part of that fun program as well.

So dust those walking shoes off and get your team together. Give me a call if you have any questions about Walk KS 2019!

Donna Krug is the Family & Consumer Science Agent with K-State Research and Extension – Cottonwood District. Contact her at 620-793-1910 or