Would you rank the 21st-century Planet of the Apes movies as one of the best trilogies of all time?
In the latest episode of BLEEP: The Podcast, I discuss these three movies with filmmaker Alan Seawright, and we both think it's the best trilogy since Lord of the Rings and deserves a place in the discussion of great film trilogies.
We break down each movie, including the franchise's most recent, "War for the Planet of the Apes."
Spoiler warning: We talk about all three movies in a lot of detail.
Listen below or subscribe to the show on iTunes. Follow the show on Twitter @bleeppodcast.
In the latest episode of BLEEP: The Podcast, I discuss these three movies with filmmaker Alan Seawright, and we both think it's the best trilogy since Lord of the Rings and deserves a place in the discussion of great film trilogies.
We break down each movie, including the franchise's most recent, "War for the Planet of the Apes."
Spoiler warning: We talk about all three movies in a lot of detail.
Listen below or subscribe to the show on iTunes. Follow the show on Twitter @bleeppodcast.