Some game designs are innovative. They break the standards for board game design but still deliver a fun and exciting game experience. Quantum by publisher Passport Game Studios trashes the mold for game design by providing a changeable modular board, six-sided dice ships and easy-to-learn rules.
From two to four players choose one of four human factions vying for control of the galaxy. The rulebook contains a variety of setup options for the board featuring different planet tiles that can be configured in 30 different combinations. Players can also design their own boards.
In Quantum, players represent commanders of a spaceship fleet trying to establish a presence on planets throughout the space system. Ships in the game are represented by sturdy, six-sided dice in four bright colors. Each die, depending on the number, represents one of six spaceships in the game.
The higher the number on a die, the more maneuverable the ship is. The number of spaces a ship can move is the number appearing on the die. The lower number on a die, the more powerful the ship is. A core strategy is that dice can be re-rolled and ships can change into different ships. Each ship also has its own special power, so watch out.
The modular space tiles feature planets with space for two to three quantum cubes that show ownership of the planet. Each planet is given a number value that is important for staking a claim there. The clearest path to victory involves placing a certain amount of quantum cubes on the board and taking control of planets. To place a quantum cube a group of ships must total an exact amount equal to the value of the planet number.
Each turn a player is granted three actions: One can move ships, attack opponent ships, deploy more ships to the board, reconfigure existing ships, dominate a planet or do research. When attacking another player, each player rolls a die and adds it to the number of the ship. An attack wins by being equal to or less than the opponent total. Remember that low-numbered ships are the most powerful for this reason.
Research in the game allows a player to eventually take a research card. Two types of research cards are available: The first is a strong, immediate one-time power; the second is a less powerful but permanent power that remains in the game and gives one's particular faction a unique benefit. There are six random cards available on a side board throughout the game drawn from a large deck of 31 cards.
It seems people who play this game either love it or don't. It all depends on what kind of games a person enjoys. Time required to play is short; there is definitely conflict between players, and it requires strategy and involves some luck. Proper planning will rule the day, and getting research cards at the right time can make all the difference. If Quantum sounds interesting, definitely check it out. A new second edition is available without the sticky dice, and replacements are available for owners of the first edition. The game is recommended for ages 12 + and retails for $60.
From two to four players choose one of four human factions vying for control of the galaxy. The rulebook contains a variety of setup options for the board featuring different planet tiles that can be configured in 30 different combinations. Players can also design their own boards.
In Quantum, players represent commanders of a spaceship fleet trying to establish a presence on planets throughout the space system. Ships in the game are represented by sturdy, six-sided dice in four bright colors. Each die, depending on the number, represents one of six spaceships in the game.
The higher the number on a die, the more maneuverable the ship is. The number of spaces a ship can move is the number appearing on the die. The lower number on a die, the more powerful the ship is. A core strategy is that dice can be re-rolled and ships can change into different ships. Each ship also has its own special power, so watch out.
The modular space tiles feature planets with space for two to three quantum cubes that show ownership of the planet. Each planet is given a number value that is important for staking a claim there. The clearest path to victory involves placing a certain amount of quantum cubes on the board and taking control of planets. To place a quantum cube a group of ships must total an exact amount equal to the value of the planet number.
Each turn a player is granted three actions: One can move ships, attack opponent ships, deploy more ships to the board, reconfigure existing ships, dominate a planet or do research. When attacking another player, each player rolls a die and adds it to the number of the ship. An attack wins by being equal to or less than the opponent total. Remember that low-numbered ships are the most powerful for this reason.
Research in the game allows a player to eventually take a research card. Two types of research cards are available: The first is a strong, immediate one-time power; the second is a less powerful but permanent power that remains in the game and gives one's particular faction a unique benefit. There are six random cards available on a side board throughout the game drawn from a large deck of 31 cards.
It seems people who play this game either love it or don't. It all depends on what kind of games a person enjoys. Time required to play is short; there is definitely conflict between players, and it requires strategy and involves some luck. Proper planning will rule the day, and getting research cards at the right time can make all the difference. If Quantum sounds interesting, definitely check it out. A new second edition is available without the sticky dice, and replacements are available for owners of the first edition. The game is recommended for ages 12 + and retails for $60.