Descendants of Mathias and Anna Marie Heckel gathered to celebrate their 73rd annual reunion on Aug. 29 in Ellinwood.
Joining together at the Immanuel UCC fellowship hall for the noon meal, sharing photos of past years, family tree information and visiting was enjoyed by all. The Hauser family was the host for this years reunion.
Descendants in attendance were: Bob Waddle of Abbyville; Richard and Maxine Nielsen of Alden; Steve and Karla Peter and Karson and Kolby of Chase; LaVerne Davidson of Claflin; Earlene Dupree of Cimarron; Roberta Ahrens, Fred and Cynthia Gunn, Delores Hauser, Junior and Carol Lenhard, Gladys Muller Mikita Mazalezskey, Gary Muller, Lorin and Jean Peter, Margaret Peter and Maxine peter, all of Ellinwood; Lyle and Brenda Smart, Rachael, Jared and Lindsey, of Hutchinson; Mauro and Rachel Gonzalez and Brinley of Norton.
The 2011 reunion will be held in August 2011 with the Heckel families as host.
Heckel Family