The 18th Meyeres reunion was held on July 17, 18 and 19, at Camp Pawnee in Larned. Hostesses were Betty Tauscher and Ida Meyeres.
Camping and outdoor activities were held by those who brought their campers on Friday evening and Saturday.
On Sunday a potluck was held at noon featuring roast beef prepared by Gordon Schartz from the Larned Knights of Columbus. Everyone brought other dishes.
After the potluck Betty Tauscher presented the financial report and she also gave a short history of the Meyeres reunions. The first one was organized in 1981 by Marie Zelenka and Betty Tauscher. Since then the reunions have been held about every two years.
After the meeting drawings for the theme baskets were held. Winners were Margaret Ann Nye, Valinda Goodwin, Michael Tauscher, Ida Meyeres, Karen Bond, Mark Schartz, Keith Ptacek, and Flossie Molsom.
Members attending the reunion were Jim, Jolene, Beau and Danny Middlestat, Ed and Lea Zorn from Colorado Springs, Colo.; Jeff and Valinda Goodwin from Peyton, Colo.; David Tauscher from Overland Park; Jeff, Nancy, Nathan and Ryan Renner from Dodge City; Karen and Greg Bond from Sylvan Grove; Ron, Virginia and Keith Ptacek from Russell; Margaret Ann Nye, Mary Lou and Richard Degenhardt from Hoisington; John and Ida Meyeres and Rex, Cindy and Fay Ann Grumbein from Bazine; Rocky and Andrea Tauscher from Pawnee Rock; Cindy Hawkins from Garfield; Tony and Flossie Molsom from Great Bend; and Eldon Tauscher, Mark Schartz, Michael Tauscher, Carolyn Price, Fr. Warren Stecklein and Betty Tauscher, from Larned.
The next reunion is scheduled for 2017 with date location and hosts to be announced at a later date.
Peter and Mary Ann (Becker) Meyeres Reunion