Brenna Martin, senior piano major at Wichita State University, will give her senior piano recital at 3 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16 in the Dorothy Moses Morrison Chapel as part of the Barton Music Department’s Visiting Artist Series.
Martin is originally from St. John and took classes through Barton for two years in high school from Barton Piano Instructor Karole Erikson.
“While working with Brenna in High School, I knew she had the drive, determination and musical sensibility to become a professional musician,” Erikson said of her former student. “She was always willing to perform in recitals and contests. I could always rely on Brenna putting in the practice time it took to have a successful musical performance. To prove she is up to the task of becoming a professional pianist, Brenna must perform a piano recital of memorized classical piano repertoire. Brenna’s recital is sure to be a special afternoon of both musicality and pianistic expertise.”
Martin is also a member of the Wichita State University Symphony Orchestra and a past member of the school’s Symphonic Wind Ensemble. She has participated in the Wichita State Concerto Aria Competition and also the Imbler Competition.
Barton Music Department to present Visiting Artist Series