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Barton targets student success
First BCC E-sports coach identified
Stephanie Joiner
Stephanie Joiner

Stephanie Joiner is known for mentoring athletes at Barton Community College, but now her job is to help other students succeed as well. Last August her job title was changed to Director of Student Academic Development and on Tuesday she spoke about her work during the BCC Board of Trustees meeting.

Last year, the college initiated the Barton Playbook for student-athletes. It includes a special orientation aimed at that group and interventions for those who may need study group sessions or academic coaching. 

So far, 61 student-athletes have participated in the Barton Playbook, which is now a for-credit course orienting them to student life. They receive information on time management, study skills and academic integrity, as well as information specific to athletes such as eligibility requirements.

Joiner said she’s using the same model as she brings Student Academic Development to other groups considered to be “at risk,” starting with the performing arts majors.

“We want to bridge the gap between what a student knows and what collegiate life actually entails,” Joiner said. “I see this in one-on-one elements where we intervene when students are identified as at-risk.”

Working with academic advisers and student support services, Joiner is finding out who uses services and at what times. 

The college is also working to make students more aware of available services, she said. So far, seven faculty members have joined study halls to help the students outside of the classroom.

“Performing arts is the next identified group that have specific orientation needs,” Joiner said. She’s also talked to the nursing department. “We’ve made progress identifying what needs to be targeted.”

Board Chairman Mike Johnson praised the new initiative but commented, “I’d hate to lose the ground that we’ve gained for student-athletes.”

“The Barton Playbook shows we still have that focus,” Joiner assure him.

Future E-coach

In other business Tuesday, Barton President Dr. Carl Heilman said BCC Multimedia Specialist Curtis Rose has interviewed for the lead spot as coach of BCC’s future E-sports program. When contracts are approved this summer, Rose is expected to accept a contract and step into the role of E-sports coach on Aug. 1.

In the meantime, Rose will receive a stipend so he can start recruiting students for the program that will start in the fall semester.

BCC Board of Trustees  meeting at a glance

Here’s a quick look at what the Barton Community College Board of Trustees did on Tuesday, Jan. 28.

• Low local bids were approved for vehicle purchases. Three Ford Fusions will be purchased from Marmie Ford for $18,290 each and three 15-passenger Express vans will be purchased from Manweiler Chevrolet for $28,022 each, for a total of $138,936.

The vans will be added to the fleet, keeping older vans in use. The cars will replace high-mileage vehicles in the college’s continuing plan of vehicle rotation. Fleet cars and vans were last purchased in December 2016. Older cars will be sold on the Purple Wave Auction site with money going back into the budget for future vehicles.

• New personnel were approved. They are Careen Adams, custodian on the Barton County campus, and Gina Gultom, customer service representative on the Fort Riley Campus. The board also approved a position change for Matt Connell, who will sign a contract as the executive director of healthcare education. Previously, Connell was Barton’s coordinator of Adult Education.

• The board elected officers, keeping the same officers are last year. Mike Johnson is chairman, Gary Burke is vice chairman, Don Learned is secretary and BCC Vice President of Administration Mark Dean will serve as treasurer. Johnson will also serve as the board’s representative on the Kansas Association of Community College Trustees. He is also KACCT vice president this year.