Replacing three parking lots at Barton Community College will cost more than half a million dollars, and awarding the bid for that project is on the agenda for the next BCC Board of Trustees meeting. The meeting is set for 4 p.m. Monday, Jan. 28, in the Seminar Room, F-30 of the Fine Arts Building on the campus.
Most board meetings are on Thursday, but the date for January’s business meeting was changed and announced earlier this month to accommodate scheduling conflicts.
Dean of Administration Mark Dean will report on the bids received for replacing the parking lot northwest of the Physical Education Building, and well as lots for the Science & Math Building and the Technical Building.
Other items on Monday’s agenda were discussed at the January study session. These include a new lease agreement with the company that leases the BCC building at Grandview Plaza, near Fort Riley. The property owner will agree to build an addition, adding about 3,8,00 square feet to the site, and the lease will be amended and extended to 10 years.
The purchase of software for more flexible online enrollment, also discussed at the study session, is on the agenda as well.
The board is expected to approve new personnel, including naming an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) program coordinator who will work in the Fort Riley area.
There will also be a monitoring report on personal enrichment at the college, with presentations by David Barnes, director of Shafer Art Gallery; Coleen Cape, with the Silver Cougar Club; Diane Engle; director of Student Life; and Charles Perkins, Dean of Information Technology, on recent graduation exit surveys.
BCC parking lot bids on Monday's agenda