A prize drawing for two $500 Barton Foundation scholarships, as well as other prizes, will be just one part of a day full of festivities available for area high school seniors as part of the Barton Community College Admissions Department’s Senior Day, with registration starting at 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 25 in the Kirkman Visitor Center on the Barton campus.
In addition to the scholarship drawings, there will be helpful tips from the financial aid, student life and housing departments to assist potential students in creating a focused plan for their college experience, which will include advisor sessions so that students can ask any questions they might have about the direction of their educational journey.
The day will be capped off with free admission to the homecoming basketball games and festivities at the Kirkman Activity Center, which will include a performance by the Cougar Danz Force.
Director of Admissions Tana Cooper said Senior Day is a great opportunity for students both local and statewide to get a first-hand account of what life is like on-campus at Barton in the midst of their busy lives.
"I really wanted to do this for the students’ benefit," Cooper said. "A lot of kids can only make it to a campus tour on the weekends, and the convenience of current and potential students is something I truly take to heart. "
Cooper said she hopes this event can serve as an eye-opener for the local students attend.
"Local kids know we are out here, but a lot of them don’t know everything Barton offers academically or in terms of our workforce training programs; Barton isn’t just a place to get your general education requirement," she said. "It’s really neat to see the local kids come on a tour and they are astonished how awesome our facilities are and how much we actually do have to offer out here on the hill."
The deadline to sign-up is Feb. 20. Contact Cooper at coopert@bartonccc.edu or (620)792-9241.