Robert E. "Bob" Button will present a program on an 1847 Colt "cap and ball" pistol that once belonged to James Chestnut Jr., during the Barton County Historical Society meeting at 7:30 p.m. Monday.
"Chestnut’s story is one fascinating account about the Civil War years," said Bev Komarek at the Barton County Historical Museum, where the meeting will be held. "Button will also discuss his "First Peoples" display at the museum, providing information regarding some of our Native American nations."
A native of Barton County, Button is a past president of the Historical Society. He is a member and past president of the KS Anthropological Association, as well as the local Apache Chapter of the association. "In addition, he is a gifted artist and historian," Komarek said. Some of his wood carvings are also on display at the museum, located just south of Great Bend’s Arkansas River Bridge on U.S. 281.
Monday’s meeting is open to the public and interested people are cordially invited to attend, Komarek said.