The Great Bend Seventh-day Adventist School is again selling H&S citrus fruit as their annual fundraiser. The navel oranges and pink grapefruit are available during the first sale which arrives Dec. 7-8. In January the navels and grapefruit are again available but the main feature of the January order is the Honeybell tangelo, which is a specialty fruit. The January order will be available Jan. 18-19. The H&S fruit is handpicked, packed, and shipped within a week with no artificial color or ripening.
The fruit should be pre-ordered at least a week before each arrival date, but extra is always ordered so that a limited amount can be purchased during the sale days. Prepaid gift certificates are also available which can be used to gift fruit for the Christmas holiday. Help to keep your employees healthy this winter by providing the best quality of citrus for their tables.
Georgia Elliott pecan halves are again available in one-pound bags with the December order only.
Breakfast burritos will also be available in Great Bend on Dec. 7 and orders can be placed for tamales to be made on Dec. 14.
To order or for additional information contact Doris Reile-Kneller at 620-791-7314.
Citrus fruit sales begin soon