The governing body of the City of Claflin met in regular session at 7 p.m. on Dec. 10 in the city building. Present were, Mayor Michael Urban, Councilpersons Kirk Schneweis, Kelly Nixon, Casey Hubbard and Leon Oberle. Also present was City Attorney Bob Suelter, City Clerk Patricia Schmidt and Robert Gunder.
Nixon reminded the council the Recreation Commission would pay the city for half of the AED battery since it will be used in both the Community Center and the gym. Schneweis moved to pay the December 2012 bills. Oberle seconded with all in favor.
The Oilers Youth Football team is hosting a fundraiser for Bryce Steiner. Since all proceeds will be given to the Steiner family, it was requested that the Community Center rent be reduced. After discussion, Hubbard moved to waive the rent but require the $175 deposit. Nixon seconded with all in favor.
Nixon moved, Oberle seconded with all in favor not to purchase extended warranties for the community center appliances.
Hubbard moved to approve Bailey’s Food Bin CMB application. Oberle seconded with all in favor.
Schneweis moved to approve both Beer:30’s CMB applications. Nixon seconded with all in favor.
Hubbard moved to approve Resolutions 12-1210A, 12-1210B and 12-1210C, which fixes a time and place for the owners etc. of certain real estates with an unsafe or dangerous structures thereon to appear before the governing body. Nixon seconded with all in favor.
The loan for $50,000 for the community center will be in place before the end of the year.
Three seats on the city council will be open for the April 2013 election. Presently holding those seats are Kirk Schneweis, Leon Oberle and Kelly Nixon. Anyone wishing to file, must do so by noon on Jan. 22.
City of Claflin Council meeting