Great Bend’s sanitary sewer system is operating at full capacity, Director of Public Works Simon Wiley announced Tuesday afternoon. While the sewer continues to provide customers with normal sewer service at this time, residents are asked to cooperate in redirecting any unpolluted water runoff away from the sanitary sewer system.
“We are sending this out as a general caution in regards to the amount of water being introduced into the system,” a city news release stated. “Please remember that it is illegal to pump any unpolluted water into the sanitary sewer.” (Ordinance13.04.190)
“We want to keep the public informed of possible conditions,” City Administrator Kendal Francis said. “All of our pumps and lift stations are working. However, we are far above normal capacity and we need to make efforts to reduce the flow into our system. Thank you for your understanding. Please let the Public Works Department know if you have special questions or concerns.”
For any questions or concerns regarding the sanitary lift stations contact City of Great Bend Public Works Director Simon Wiley at 620-793-4150.