CLAFLIN — The Claflin Fire District #1 recently received a grant from Williams Energy Company. The company maintains underground storage and a fractionator in central Kansas. As a premier energy infrastructure that provides clean-burning natural gas to heat homes and generate electricity, one of their core values and beliefs is to support the communities where their employees work and live.
The Grant is for the amount of $600.00 that will be used to purchase a gas monitor. Specifically the grant will be used to purchase a portable “4 Gas” monitor. It will detect Oxygen %level, Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulfide Gas and Flammable Gas levels. Oxygen can be displaced by other gases, while incomplete combustion can generte carbon monoxide, which can kill. This type of detector is very important for the safety of Firefighters and the public that we serve.
Claflin Fire District #1 covers the townships of Cheyenne, Logan, Independent and Cleveland and responds to assist other neighboring departments. The fire district also provides fire protection for the Williams Company’s pipeline that traverses the northern part of the Fire District.