Dr. Mike Allison announces his candidacy for Mayor of Great Bend.
Since Dr. Allison became mayor, there have been many positive changes in Great Bend. Just drive 1Oth Street to see these changes and the many recent additions. American Ag Credit, the new apartment complex, Maria’s Mexican restaurant, plus a new bank are just a part of the ongoing progress happening in Great Bend. Also coming in 2015 will be the new Holiday Inn Express.
Support by the voters for the the 25 cent and 50 cent sales tax has helped greatly. This can be seen in the number of street repairs that have taken place.
The quality of life has been improved with the additions of the water park, sports complex, dog park and the paved walking trail. Party in the Park, June Jaunt and the upcoming Air Fest provide entertainment for the entire community.
The accomplishments these past years have been possible because of the support of many good council members, an administration and staff that have worked for the good of the community and the many citizens of Great Bend who have supported the future of the community.
Dr. Mike Allison announces candidacy