Barton Community College honored 18 employees during an all-college forum Aug. 22, recognizing them for their years of service to the college. Awards were presented for five or more years of service with a recognizance at every additional five-year mark.
Communication and Speech Instructor Kay Robinson was honored for the longest tenure in the group at 35 years.
Comptroller and Budget Manager Terry Barrow received an award for 30 years of service.
Psychology Instructor Randy Allen, Secretary Renetta Furrow and Director of the Child Development Center Larissa Graham were recognized for 25 years of service.
Educational Opportunity Center Project Director Susie Burt received an award for 20 years of service.
At the 15-year landmark was Customer Service Representative Nancy Carter.
Service awards for 10 years were given to Life Sciences Instructor Dr. Tim Folkerts, Executive Director of Institutional Advancement Darnell Holopirek, and Academic Advisor Wendy Miller.
Eight employees also received awards for five years of service including Assistant Baseball Coach Brent Biggs, Director of Admissions Tana Cooper, Central Kansas Upward Bound Secretary and Data Specialist Sarah Hensiek, Central Kansas Upward Bound Advisor Baudilio Hernandez, Coordinator of Developmental Education Carol Murphy, Director of the Learning Resource Center ReGina Reynolds-Casper, Business Computer Management Instructor Deanna Stevens and Student Support Services Director Rita Thurber.
Barton Community College employees recognized for years of service