Barton Community College and Sterling College recently signed an articulation agreement, which makes it easier to transfer credits from BCC to SC.
Barton Dean of Academics Dr. Richard Abel met with Sterling College Coordinator of Online Partnerships Jim Cox on Thursday, Aug. 2, to bring a long-running conversation to a close with the signing of the articulation agreement. It essentially allows students to start as a junior at Sterling College after earning any associates degree from Barton.
Cox said the agreement will be beneficial for Sterling College, as students who finish one step in their education are statistically more likely to finish at the next level.
Dr. Abel agreed, adding there are also significant benefits for Barton. “It’s good to give our students more options for continuing their educations upon graduating from Barton, and we want to create a seamless transition by making sure their credits will transfer,” he said. “We also like to work with those institutions that are close to Barton County.”
BCC signs new credit-transfer agreement with Sterling College