Twelve area high school students now have more money to put towards college. Wheatland Electric announced the winners at its annual meeting April 20. Each student will receive a $1,000 grant from Wheatland. Among them was Shelby Deist, from Great Bend High School.
“Wheatland feels that by supporting education, we are strengthening our local communities,” said Bruce Mueller, Wheatland General Manager.
Wheatland created a scholarship program to encourage and assist in the educational pursuits of the children of Wheatland Electric members. Approximately 37 students applied for the scholarships in all. The $1,000 awards are going to students who are planning to attend an accredited 2 or 4-year college, technical or vocational school.
Recipients were selected based on their applicant profiles, including academic performance, extracurricular activities and academic and career goals. Applicants were also evaluated on an essay in which they were asked to write “on any subject about which you are passionate.”
Wheatland awards $12,000 in scholarships