The Ellinwood City Council will conduct the regular council meeting Tuesday, July 14 at 7 p.m. At that meeting, a service award will be presented to electric department employee Chris Komarek for his 35 years of service to the City of Ellinwood. The council will set a date for a work study session in late July, to precede the 2016 budget hearing at the regular council meeting on Aug. 11. Representatives of the Sidewinders will present a request to use the City Park Aug. 22 for the Annual Fallen Brother Run, and request permission for the consumption of cereal malt beverages.
A discussion will be held about replacing the wood poles for the streetlights along Santa Fe Boulevard with metal poles as part of the September KDOT drainage project. City staff recommends replacement with metal, but the city will bear the cost difference between wood and metal. Also, during the Santa Fe Boulevard Drainage Project, the rose garden at 1st and Wilhelm will be removed to replace curbing, and it must be decided if it will be replaced with another rose garden or with stamped concrete or something else. Finally, an executive session will be requested to discuss the possible acquisition of real estate.
Ellinwood City Council Meeting Tuesday