Tickets for the Fort Hays State University Madrigal Feaste are still left, but they are selling quickly. The Madrigal Feaste will be at 6:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday in the Memorial Union.
It is produced in partnership with the Fort Hays Singers, led by Dr. Terry Crull, choral director and assistant professor of music.
“Thanks to Dr. Crull’s leadership and creativity, we always make it into a pretty rollicking good time,” said Bill Smriga, director of the Memorial Union. “It’s one of the most beloved and popular cultural traditions here.”
Tickets are available until tomorrow afternoon in the Union Administrative Office, Memorial Union, room 208, or call 785-628-5308. Tickets are $30 for adults and $20 for FHSU students.
FHSU Madrigal Feaste