Judge William McMosley from Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, awarded the Varsity and Junior Varsity Bands I ratings on April 13. The in-house contest was held in the GBHS gym. After listening to the two bands, McMosley worked with the bands as a clinician in addition to his adjudication.
The Varsity Band played Chorale and Shaker Dance II, and Celtic Suite. Let Freedom Ring! and Ceremony, Chant and Ritual were the Junior Varsity Band’s selections. McMosley’s commented how the balance and the tone quality of the bands was excellent. He was also impressed with how well the students played the literature, which he thought was quite appropriate. He encouraged all of the members to stay in band as the rewards will be great later on in life. After the band competition, McMosley worked with the Panther Jazz Band on the songs LaBamba and Panther Prowl.
Mark DeWald is the GBHS Band director and he is assisted by Shelby Huddleston and Kurtis Koch. Next event for the band will be the Solo and Small Ensemble Contest at Newton on April 30. The bands will present their Spring Concert and Awards Night at 7 p.m. on May 9 in the GBHS gym. Parents of the senior members will also be honored.
GBHS Bands receive Superior ratings at contest