Nope. It wasn’t a cooking class even though the ingredients were spaghetti and marshmallows.
Great Bend High School advisory class students of Jake Hofflinger, technology teacher, were challenged this week to build a tower using the unusual paring of items.
“The activity is designed to help kids learn to work together as well as build relationships in advisory classes,” Hofflinger said.
He divided students into teams and provided each group with materials that included 20 pieces of spaghetti, 20 small marshmallows, one large marshmallow, one foot of tape and a piece of paper.
They were instructed that each group needed to construct a tower that would support one large marshmallow at the top. The group that built the highest free-standing tower in the set amount of time won the competition.
The winning 27-inch design was completed by Aubrey Habash, junior; Jesus Bajuanda, freshman; and Christian Burgardt, junior.
GBHS students build pasta, marshmallow tower