Out-going board Chairman Dr. Marc Huslig received an award for his eight years of service during the Great Bend Recreation Commission Board’s monthly meeting Monday evening.
“It has been great serving on this board,” Huslig said. “I had a great time and we got a lot of stuff accomplished.”
Huslig’s position as a board member was a city-appointed position. His term will end on Dec. 31. The city has already filled the city-appointed position with Dr. Teri Turkle-Huslig. That position will begin Jan. 1.
The board will appoint a new chairperson when it meets in January.
GBRC program
Directors report
Megan Hammeke said the Thanksgiving dance was a success with 87 participating and the participants danced to music by the band, Freelance.
Hammeke also reported on programs for special needs and senior citizens. Special needs Tai Chi met three times with nine participants and bowling had 175 participants. GBRC partnered with Sunflower Diversified to decorate a tree at the Historical Society. Participants decorated ornaments twice before meeting out at the Historical Society to decorate the tree, 10 participated.
For senior citizens in November, the Fit for Life exercise class met 9 times and had 258 participants, and three different levels of Tai Chi instruction met 17 times all together with 126 participants.
Hammeke also reported at bowling will continue to Dec. 29 and the Christmas Dance will be on Dec. 28 .
Chris Umphres reported on sports programs, noting the youth basketball teams have been great with working their games and practices around their holiday schedule and he looks forward to seeing what the children learn in the second half of the season. The medals, pictures and player evaluations are ordered and will be ready to hand out at the end of the program. The last games for the youth basketball program are scheduled to end Jan. 24.
He also went on to say that the High School Basketball League does not have enough teams signed up at this point. The GBRC is still accepting team registrations.
Garet Fitzpatrick reported on leisure programs, noting that Pheasant Hunters should bring in the tail feather from their prize bird to the Great Bend Recreation Commission to enter it in the Longest Tail Feather contest. The contest will run through the 2015/16 pheasant hunting season. The winner will receive a $30 Chamber gift certificate donated by Smokin Aces Gun Shop. To enter your feather, stop by the GBRC located at 1214 Stone Street, Monday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. All entries must be turned into the GBRC by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016. Entries will become the property of the GBRC.
He also went on to say that the Rec is looking for a few good snow sculptures. To enter your creation, simply take a photo of your snow sculpture and mail it to gfitzpatrick@gbrc.kscoxmail.com. The photos will be posted on the GBRC Facebook site April 5 through noon on the 7. The winners will be determined by the most likes received. The contest will run from the first snow through March 31, 2016. Winners will be announced April 8. The 1st place entry will receive a $25 gift card and 2nd place will receive a $15 gift card donated from Walmart.
GBRC Director Diann Henderson reported that for the month of November there were 3,600 people enrolled in programs sponsored by the Recreation Commission. Total participation for the month was 8,427 of that total were 3,135 spectators. For the month a total of 1002.25 hours of supervised activities were offered.