Generous gift Keller Real Estate and Insurance Agency presented the United Way of Central Kansas with a contribution of $1,060 this week. These funds were donated with 100-percent participation by the employees of Keller Real Estate, as well as corporate contributions. Keller Real Estate regularly donates over $1,000 a year to United Way with only 21 employees, which is an amazing contribution from a small group of generous people, said UWCK Executive Director Julie Bugner-Smith. Keller has been a contributor for many years and we are proud to have a close relationship with them and their employees. Pictured are: Front row, left to right, Jeff Keller, Kim Vink, Chelsea Mermis, Sue Newhall, Marsha Kelly, Lori Kelly and Kevin Keller; and back row, Darren Beckwith, Sabrina Loreg, Nicky Sperry, Brad Kuhn, Jane Saindon and Wayne Rathbun. Not pictured are Amanda Baxter, Berneice George, Sherri Henry, Geri Lee, Linda Ludes, Rose Murphy, Bert Newhall and Diana Roberts. - photo by COURTESY PHOTO Latest ElderCare faces Friendship Meal budget cuts; waiting list possible Bicycle Mechanic Workshop for grades 4-12 planned Sunday KDOT announces November bids Deck the Walls: New paint job 'pops' at GBHS gym