The Suicide Prevention Task Force of Central Kansas Partnership invites everyone to attend and participate in the “Golden Belt Glow for Life” Remembrance Ceremony, Glow Walk and competitive 5K Glow Run at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 12, at Vet’s Park in Great Bend.
The event will be held at the West Shelter next to the Lake. Community members who would like to recognize the memory of someone are encouraged to attend the Remembrance Ceremony and participate in the Recognition.
Registration forms for the Glow for Life Walk and 5K Run are available at Barton County Health Department, and The Center and on the “Golden Belt Glow for Life” facebook page. Participants are asked to register by Sept. 4 for a guaranteed t-shirt and glow accessories.
Early packet pick-up is set from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday evening, Sept. 10, at Barton County Health Department. Late registrations will be accepted beginning at 6 p.m. on Sept. 12, at the event site with no guarantee of t-shirt or glow accessories.
Golden Belt Glow for Life Remembrance Ceremony begins at 7 p.m. on Sept. 12, followed by a Glow warm-up, and then the Glow Walk and 5K Glow Run about sunset.
National Suicide Prevention Week is Sept. 7 – Sept. 12, and World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10. Proceeds from Glow for Life events will help to provide Suicide Prevention education in our community. For more information about Golden Belt Glow for Life or community suicide prevention education, contact Janel Rose at Barton County Health Department, or 620-793-1902.
Golden Belt Glow for Life set for Sept. 12