Students at Great Bend’s Holy Family School and the Prince of Peace Parish accepted a challenge to make videos about “The Four Pillars of Stewardship.”
Eric Haselhorst, director of stewardship for the Diocese of Dodge City, issued the video challenge on Oct. 1. Entries were supposed to be about 5 minutes long and were supposed to include one or more of the four pillars. Both of the Great Bend videos used all four. Great Bend students were winners in two of three divisions.
Holy Family School received $500 for the best school video, and the youth received $500 for the best youth group video. A Spearville couple won in the adult category.
Karen Moeder, principal at Holy Family School, said making a video was almost the by-product of a month of studying The Four Pillars of Stewardship: Prayer, Service, Hospitality and Formation.
“November is the month of stewardship,” Moeder said. “The video was sort of the culminating event. We learned a lot about making videos, but we learned more (about stewardship) by doing the research.”
The videos use photos and video clips and a musical background as students are seen doing activities such as praying, collecting items for the food pantry, visiting senior citizens or sharing their faith.
The school video consists mostly of a “slide show” of photos set to students singing about stewardship to the tune of “Eye of the Tiger.” Moeder talks at the end of the video, which is less than 2 minutes long. Moeder said fourth grade students and their teachers, Jill Lane and Mary Albright, deserve most of the credit for the video, but other students and staff also helped.
The youth group’s video is nearly 5 minutes long, and features photos and video of the youth group caught in acts of stewardship. The Chris Tomlin song, “Awesome is the Lord Most High,” plays in the background.
Both videos have been posted on the YouTube website. In the search area, enter “SKRinDCDiocese” to find the selections, “Holy Family School Pillars of Stewardship” and “Prince of Peace Youth Group Stewardship Video.” Or find this story on the links below:
The school video can be found at and the youth group video can be found at