Hoisington’s USD 431 Board of Education met Monday night, Aug. 1, for a budget hearing and to conduct regular business. Superintendent Bill Lowry recommended a budget that included 6 mills for capital outlay. The budget was approved as published.
Next, the board heard a request from Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) for permission to travel out of state for the National cluster Meeting in Denver, Colo. Nov. 4-6. They also requested permission for members from other schools to ride along on the bus, and reimburse the district per student for transportation cost. Both requests were approved.
Other items for discussion and actions taken included:
* Approval of Bus Driver, Substitute Teacher and Classified Staff and Certified Staff handbooks for the upcoming school year.
* Approved a contract in the amount of $29,460 for counseling services for 2016-2017. The amount is the same the district has contracted to pay out for the past two years.
* Approved out of district requests for 17 students to attend school at USD 431.
* Heard a legislative report from Lowry.
* Heard administrative reports from Lowry, Elementary Schools Principal Alan Charles, Middle School Principal Pat Reinhardt, High School Principal Joel Mason and Activities director Matt Schultz.
The board then approved a motion to enter into executive session for the discussion of personnel matters of non-elected personnel with Lowry present. Upon returning to regular session, the following classified employees and salaries were approved as presented:
* Employ Dwight Nett as district bus driver for 2016-2017.
* Employ Joseph Doze as elementary aide for 2016-2017.
* Employ Sasha Martinez as elementary aide for 2016-2017.
* Employ Audra Lamb as part-time food service employee for 2016-2017.
* Employ BreAnna Burns as Middle School volleyball sponsor for 2016-2017 (supplemental).
The meeting was then adjourned. The next meeting of the USD 431 BOE will be Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. at the District Office.