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Join the Butterfly Quest
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COURTESY PHOTO A gray hairstreak butterfly nectars on goldenrod. Just one of many species of butterflies likely sighted during KWECs butterfly count on July 22.

From tiny hairstreaks to large swallowtails, all sizes of butterflies will be counted during the Cheyenne Bottoms annual butterfly quest, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on July 22, at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center.
All that’s required for the count, is a pair of binoculars and keen eyes. KWEC will supply field guides, transportation and binoculars. Participants will search fields and gardens in and around Cheyenne Bottoms by vehicle and foot, during this official North American Butterfly Association count. Most surveying will be within short walking distances but there will be some uneven ground.
The NABA Count is in its 43rd year and gathers information to track population trends. Organized like the Christmas Bird Count, much of the count is done from a vehicle, with maps and data sheets provided. Preregister by July 20 by calling KWEC at 1-877-243-9268 to reserve a spot or for more information.