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Legislators talk about '800 lb gorilla'
Also constitutional right to hunt, and how low gas $$ doesn't equal more spending
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Rep. Troy Waymaster, Sen. Mitch Holmes, and Rep. John Edmonds weighed in on concerns from a constituent about the effects of eliminating income tax for many small businesses on the states budget. It was one of many questions asked by those attending Hoisingtons legislative coffee Saturday morning. - photo by Veronica Coons, Tribune staff
At the Hoisington legislative coffee Saturday morning, Rep. John Edmonds, Rep. Troy Waymaster, and Sen. Mitch Holmes talked on issues and actions of note in their respective houses before opening up the floor to questions. Edmonds Edmonds began by addressing the Feb. 11 ruling by the Kansas Supreme Court demanding that the issue of equity in relation to the Gannon decision be fixed by June 30, or they will close the schools. It determined students in some counties of the state, due to the differences in what a mill brings from property tax, are not treated fairly compared to those in other counties.“Some people believe they are bluffing, I don’t.