Advance voting available
Advanced ballots are now available for the city/school/hospital election. Any registered voter may contact the County Clerk’s Office either by mail, by phone or in person for an application for an advanced voting ballot, but anyone requesting an advanced ballot must first provide photo ID.
Below are the guidelines:
• Applications may also be downloaded from the Barton County website at (click: Departments>Elections>Advance Vote).
• Signed applications may be delivered or mailed to the County Clerk, or faxed to 620-793-1990. Upon receipt of a qualified application, the advanced ballot will be provided.
But, an elector cannot apply for a ballot for another voter. An application for an advanced ballot for someone who is sick/disabled/illiterate may be filed during the regular advanced ballot application period until the close of polls on the day of the election.
Affidavits of Assistance forms are available to assist another elector in the application and voting processes.
• Voters can cast ballots in the County Clerk’s Office through noon on the day preceding the general election (Monday, Nov. 6).
• If returning a advanced ballot in person, the ballot must be returned to the county election officer before the close of the polls on election day. The advanced ballot may now also be delivered to the elector’s polling location.
• If returning by mail, a ballot must be postmarked on or before election day and received on or before the Friday following the election. This is also new this year.
• Ballots will not be counted until election day.
Deadlines include:
• Tuesday, Oct. 31: (NEW) Deadline to apply for advanced ballots to be mailed.
• Monday, Nov. 6 (noon): Deadline for voters to vote advanced ballots in person in the Office of the County Clerk/Election Officer.
• Tuesday, Nov. 7: Deadline for sick/disabled/illiterate voters to apply for an advanced voting ballot.
• Tuesday, Nov. 7: (NEW) Advanced ballots must be returned to the County Clerk’s Office or polling place before 7 p.m. If returning by mail, a ballot must be postmarked by election day and received on or before the Friday following the election.
According to the Barton County Clerk’s Office, there are several candidates running in the Nov. 7 general election. These include a number of city, school and other local positions in Barton county.
Any questions concerning the election may be directed to the County Clerk’s Office at 620-793-1835.
The office is located in room 202 at the Barton County Courthouse in Great Bend, 100 Main, and the regular hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
On the day of election, polling places will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
There is one special question on the ballot involving a quarter-cent sales tax for the City of Great Bend. It reads:
“Shall the following be adopted?
Shall the City of Great Bend continue to levy a one-quarter of one percent (1/4%) citywide retailers’ sales tax, the proceeds of which shall be used only to finance the costs of construction, reconstruction and maintenance of public streets within the City to take effect July 1, 2018? The one-quarter of one percent (1/4%) retailers’ sales tax will sunset after 10 years.”
A “yes” vote supports the measure.
As for the candidates, they include:
• Great Bend (mayor and four City Council positions)
– Mayor:
Brock R. McPherson
Allene Owen
Joe Andrasek
– Council Ward 1:
Dan Heath
H. Mike Boys
– Council Ward 2:
Rachel E. Mawhirter
Matt Suchy
Jolene Biggs
– Council Ward 3:
Stacy Dougherty
Thomas Boor
Cory Urban
– Council Ward 4:
Andrew Scott Erb
• Hoisington (mayor and four City Council positions)
– Mayor:
Clayton Williamson
Janet M. Hood
– Council Ward 1:
No filing
– Council Ward 2:
Johnathan Durrett
Michael F. Aylward
– Council Ward 3:
James W. Morris
– Council Ward 4:
Christina Smith
Shaun H. Miller
• Ellinwood (mayor and two City Council positions)
– Mayor:
Irlan Fullbright
– Council:
Alan M. Brauer
Jon L. Prescott
• Claflin (three City Council positions)
– Council:
Doug Hubbard
Dustin Daniels
Nathaniel Florian
• Albert (mayor and five City Council positions)
– Mayor: No filings
– Council: No filings
• Galatia (mayor and five City Council positions)
– Mayor: No filings
– Council: No filings
• Olmitz (three City council positions)
– Council:
Curtis Peterson
Shannon D. Peterson
David Bitter
Jim New
• Pawnee Rock (three City council positions)
– Council:
Terry A. Mead
Joyce A. Link
W. Paul Umble
Vickie Alsup
Phyllis Marlene Agee
• Susank (mayor and five City Council positions)
– Mayor: No filings
– Council: No filings
• Barton County College (three Board of Trustee positions)
– Trustee:
John E. Moshier
Donald Learned
• Ellinwood Hospital District (two Board of Trustee positions)
– Trustee:
Justin Lear
• USD 355 (four School Board positions)
– Board:
Troy L. Moore
Stephen L. Billinger
Virginia Fullbright
Rachel Sieker
• USD 428 (three School Board positions)
– Board:
Donald L. Williams
Deanna Essmiller
Jacqueline M. Disque
Branden Depenbusch
Doug Bender
• USD 431 (three School Board positions)
– Board:
James Wright
Sara Tarlton
Keri Schremmer
Maggie McCain
Kelly Urban
The above candidates all filed by the June 1 deadline.
However, Jim Gordee has announced his write-in candidacy for Ward 4 and Richard Charles is a write-in candidate for Ward 1 for the Great Bend City Council. Tricia Reiser is a write-in candidate for BCC Trustee. Jim Sekavec is a write-in candidate for Hoisington Mayor. These are the only write-in efforts known to the Tribune at this time.