Even though Joan League is a local Tai Chi instructor, she took advantage of a recent class at St. Rose Ambulatory & Surgery Center to add to her knowledge. That mission was accomplished but there was another benefit.
League, Great Bend, and her Tai Chi colleagues talked with Gloria Siefkes, St. Rose registered nurse, after the class and the result will be another presentation of the softest form of the martial arts. The class is scheduled for 3-4 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 23, at St. Rose in the basement-level St. Dominic Room.
It is free and open to the public.
“There were so many people at that October presentation and it was obvious they were interested,” said League, a Club 1 Fitness instructor. “Some students had left but we gave a demonstration for those who remained. It is gratifying that St. Rose is willing to sponsor another presentation.”
During the upcoming class, students will participate in breathing exercises and learn some short-form movements.
“They can learn some different movements, which come in a sequence,” League explained. “Their minds and bodies will work together and they can determine if they want to pursue Tai Chi.”
While students will be given the opportunity to sign up for League’s classes at Club 1 for a fee, there is absolutely no obligation to do so.
“Tai” refers to movement and “Chi” is the energy flowing through the body, League noted.
“It teaches us to transform a straight line of energy into a circle, putting us in touch with never-ending energy,” she explained. “Linear movements always come to an end but Tai Chi movements are a series of circles.”
Health benefits include an increase in balance and flexibility, as well as fewer digestive concerns and reduced stress, according to League. Tai Chi also increases the practitioner’s awareness of their physical, mental and spiritual conditions.
League received instructor training at American Aerobic Association and Sports Medicine in Colorado Springs. She has been involved in Tai Chi for four years, yoga for 15 years and water aerobics for more than 20 years.
St. Rose’s Siefkes said that she is gratified that League and her colleagues agreed to offer the presentation.
“The Tai Chi class last fall was the best-attended Midwest Cancer Alliance presentation we have had,” Siefkes said. “There was so much interest at that interactive television (ITV) event and St. Rose is pleased to sponsor League’s class. And she is local – how wonderful is that?”
St. Rose is a member of Midwest Cancer Alliance, which provides regular ITV presentations.
Local instructor leads free Tai Chi presentation